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SME lending

With kennek, lenders streamline SME lending through online loan application forms, automated risk assessment, customised origination and slick post disbursement processes, empowering SME lenders to thrive and grow.

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Everything you have shown us will help us massively!


UK SME Lender

Great Interface for people, so clean and nicer than the other services we’ve used!


UK Lender

Congrats to the whole kennek team! Highly recommended for their professionalism, ability and ease to work with.


CEO, UK Fintech Lender

Credit scoring

  • Embedded risk scoring
  • Automated z-score, PD and LGD calculation
  • Access to borrowers private accounting and banking data
Credit scoring
Credit scoring

Why lenders turn to us

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Discover why forward thinking lenders turn to kennek. Reach out today to learn more and empower your lending business
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